De European Rover Challenge komt naar Polen

Het is alweer een paar maanden geleden dat we aankondigen dat er nu ook in Europa een Rover Challenge zal worden gehouden. Het is nu definitief dat de European Rover Challenge in Polen gaat plaatsvinden. Binnenkort geeft de Poolse Mars Society de details vrij over waar in Polen het evenement plaatsvindt en op welke datum. Houdt februari de 3e in de gaten want dan komen de Polen met een persbericht. In ieder geval is er al een website waar je alle documentatie vindt nodig om deel te nemen.

European Rover Challenge

Persbericht Mars Society Polen:

European Rover Challenge is coming to Poland
Three days of competition, an international scientific conference and the opportunity to participate in meetings with space research experts from around the world – the first edition of European Rover Challenge in Poland has been officially launched. One small step for the rover community, a giant leap for Mars rover challenges.

Institutions of higher education can field teams of students, graduates and faculty to enter the contest. The challenge facing the teams is to design and build a rover which will obtain the highest score in a series of Mars-exploration themed tasks. A detailed description of the tasks is available in the Challenge Rules document.

The competition will be accompanied by an International Mars Society Conference, convening various professionals who share the vision of a manned flight to Mars, and a Science Picnic, bringing issues related to the exploration of and human presence in space to the wider public.

The date and location of the event will be provided by the Organizer on the website on February 3rd. The website address is:

The European Rover Challenge 2014 is organised by Mars Society Polska, in cooperation with ABM Space Education, the Austrian Space Forum, the Regional Science-Technology Centre in Chęciny and the Marshal Office of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship.


